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Architectsof Change




On this episode

Peter Drucker famously wrote, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” In this episode, Nina sits down with Sofia Nunes, Co-Founder & Head of Culture at Mambu and Sophie Theen, Chief People & Customer Operations Officer at Oakam to discuss if Mr. Drucker was right. Together, they explore the ins and outs of how culture at a startup begins and where things go wrong. They delve into advice for budding entrepreneurs and best practices for building truly inclusive, diverse cultures.


Sofia Nunes

Sofia Nunes

Sofia has been instrumental in building Mambu’s unique company culture. With a background in psychology & a Masters in human-computer interaction, she uses her passion for people and experience design to create an inspiring environment where people thrive and work to their full potential.

Sophie Theen

Sophie Theen

As the Chief People & Customer Operations Officer in Oakam, Sophie's aim is to shift cultural paradigms within organisations and to champion diversity and equality using structured, disruptive thinking. Pre Oakam, she’s led recruitment projects with Ford, General Motors and IBM, before shifting her passion and focus to setting up the future of HR in Fintech Startups like Revolut & 11:FS.

We believe in the power of change, and so we’ll bring you stories and hands-on advice from the most inspiring entrepreneurs, the greatest innovators and the serious up and comers, every two weeks on Wednesdays.

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