Financial Accessibility
On this episode
Nina sits down in a tri-continental discussion with phenomenal guests working in the financial inclusion space: Cynthia Wandia, Founder of Kwara; Lesley-Ann Vaughan, Head of Product Strategy at the Mojaloop Foundation; and Mambu's own Tara Lacey. Starting in Kenya, our guests take us through a discussion about how innovative companies are approaching access to financial services. Following Kwara's journey and various digital innovations around the world, the guests discuss the power of communities and how to build community-based trust in a digital format. They discuss the ultimate goal of financial inclusion and debunk common myths and misconceptions they hear about financial inclusion.

Cynthia Wandia
Cynthia is the Co-founder and CEO of Kwara, a digital banking platform for SACCOs. She is an explorer, engineer and polyglot, leading an incredible team to build the infrastructure to turbocharge fair financial institutions.

Lesley-Ann Vaughan
Lesley-Ann Vaughan serves as the Mojaloop Foundation Director of Product Strategy. She has been working in emerging markets for digital financial service innovation since 2005. She was part of the founding team behind M-PESA. In recent years she has worked for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, CGAP, IFC, Microsoft, Mastercard, Accion Centre for Financial Inclusion, EFInA, FSD Kenya, GSMA, FSD Tanzania, DFiD & UNCDF as a freelance consultant.

Tara Lacey
Tara is a fintech expert with more than 15 years in developed and emerging markets. She currently is the Customer Success Lead for Mambu. Formerly, she was the Director of Consulting at Software Group. In this role, she consulted for organizations including the Asian Development Bank to identify global investment opportunities and developed projects in the digital finance sector.
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